A | Newton MA News and Politics Blognping Shen won a decisive victory in tonight’s School Committee election.

I first crossed paths with him only a few nights ago at Friday’s Nomad Story Slam where he told a wonderful story.

I met him again a few days later on Sunday night at Jean & Lee’s Kitchen at a campaign event.  We were joking about the lawns with 8 or 10 or 12 signs on them when Anping said that most of his signs are the only ones at the house.  He talked about how the Asian community has never voted in the same numbers as the rest of the city.  He said that he regularly tells his Asian friends and neighbors that they must get out and vote.

There’s no way of knowing at the moment but I’m wondering if Mr. Shen has managed to mobilize the sizable Asian community in Newton in this election.  If so, that would be a great thing.  Historically, despite their sizable population, the Asian community has been underrepresented in both the political process and the school/PTO world.

It may be that Mr Shen’s candidacy is energizing a portion of the electorate that has been under-represented up to now..   That would be a great thing for both the schools and the city.

Congratulations  Mr, Shen.  Thanks for your wonderful story on Friday and thanks for running for School Committee.