Anping Shen won a decisive victory in tonight’s School Committee election.
I first crossed paths with him only a few nights ago at Friday’s Nomad Story Slam where he told a wonderful story.
I met him again a few days later on Sunday night at Jean & Lee’s Kitchen at a campaign event. We were joking about the lawns with 8 or 10 or 12 signs on them when Anping said that most of his signs are the only ones at the house. He talked about how the Asian community has never voted in the same numbers as the rest of the city. He said that he regularly tells his Asian friends and neighbors that they must get out and vote.
There’s no way of knowing at the moment but I’m wondering if Mr. Shen has managed to mobilize the sizable Asian community in Newton in this election. If so, that would be a great thing. Historically, despite their sizable population, the Asian community has been underrepresented in both the political process and the school/PTO world.
It may be that Mr Shen’s candidacy is energizing a portion of the electorate that has been under-represented up to now.. That would be a great thing for both the schools and the city.
Congratulations Mr, Shen. Thanks for your wonderful story on Friday and thanks for running for School Committee.
I watched Anping speak up for his community at a school comm. meeting several months ago. He was very sensible and pragmatic as he defended the Asian Community regarding increased rental fees for the Sunday Chinese School at Day. He will be a very good voice on the new school committee.
I met him a few weeks ago and was really impressed by his background and enthusiasm for NPS. He had solid support from the Asian community which is how I met him. I am looking forward to having him on the committee. I think we’re all going to be pleased.
“I’m wondering if Mr. Shen has managed to mobilize the sizable Asian community in Newton in this election.”
Speculating without data that Shen won because other Asians voted for him sounds awfully racist to me. I get that Jerry doesn’t intend to denigrate him, but he did nonetheless.
I voted for Mr. Shen because he made an effort to walk around and talk to people in my neighborhood, and I was impressed by his ideas. Note: I am not Asian.
I met Mr. Shen as well and was impressed with him. I heard two debates between him and Eileen after that, and in the end I voted for Eileen. I struggled with that for quite a while; in fact it was the only decision between two candidates that was tough for me. I wish I could have voted for both. Eileen would have made an equally good addition to the SC; she proved in the debates that she had a very good handle on a variety of issues.
I could not be happier for Anping Shen and I am confident he will be a terrific addition to the School Committee. Our family has been friends with Anping and his wife Shixin for many years, and I think he is probably one of the most qualified School Committee members Newton has ever had.
I met Anping at the Nomad Story Slam and one other time. I was quite impressed with his credentials and his knowledge of NPS. I am sure he will be a stand out on the SC. This was the toughest race for me – I wish I could have voted for both.
@Paul – I was speculating based on the (admittedly) sparse data that Anping Shen shared with us on Sunday about his campaigning.
My sincere apologies if this in any way sounded racist. It was certainly not my intention.
I met Anping out campaigning last Saturday and was very impressed with his credentials. He will be a great addition to the School Committee.
I too have been friends with Anping for many years. We first served together on the Horace Mann School Council. I’ve been a regular, for the past several years, at the Chinese New Year celebrations and performances by the Newton Chinese Language School students and faculty – a wonderful community of neighbors and friends.
I’m looking forward to further service with Anping.
Anping is awesome and he ran a great campaign along with candidate Eileen Sandberg to the benefit of the residents of Ward 3 and the City. Congratulations on this impressive campaign and victory. His kick-off rally was small and he seemed concerned, but then built a great network and gained the confidence to win.
Our newest School Committee member follows Angela’s great service to the families of our Ward and I feel that the community gains a strong voice of experience!!
Congrats to Anping for the win on the ward 3 school committee election. You are the perfect person for this position. I truly feel motivated and inspired by your passions and your personal story. I am looking forward to see your big contribution to Newton Public School.