This campaign season has been particularly vigorous. The mayor’s race, the charter and various City Council and School Committee races have had a huge amount of campaign energy. Candidates and supporters have been pushing as hard as they can for months. Given that effort on the big races it saddens me that one of the races has been such a lackluster affair.
Months ago there was a clear early leader. Rather than that lead spurring on the challengers it seemed to take the wind out of their sails – the challengers seemed to just throw in the towel. That’s not how democracy is supposed to work.
We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to call the rest of the races but I’m prepared to call this one right now.
We have two unambiguous and deserving winners:
Winner of the 2017 Best Campaign Swag Award clearly goes to Brenda Noel for the Noel Bottle Opener.
Winner of the 2017 Best Specialty Swag Award (i.e. not for public distribution) goes to the Lennon Golf Ball
They are indeed deserving winners but there was a lot of missed opportunity out there. Where is my Yes on Charter Clipboard”. Where is my Julia Malakie Pruning Shears? Where is my Andreae Downs Bike Light?
@Jerry: Clearly you missed the Andrea Kelley seed packets.
@Bryan Barash – Alas, they were never submitted to the jury – major campaign oversight
The Noel campaign just released this statement from the candidate ..
Best campaign sign: Janet Sterman.
Excellent graphical theme (a speech bubble) and text design. The message — “Change the conversation” — is nicely tied to the speech bubble. Delightful.
@Sean Roche – we need a photo