Friday night something very special happened here in Newton. Seventeen candidates for elected office walked up to a microphone and shared a five minute personal story to a crowd of 150 people at Gregorian Rugs. The stories were funny, poignant, heartbreaking, emotional, scary and everything in between.
Thanks to Maureen Reilly-Meagher and Walter Frankel devoting their Saturday to the effort, we now have the video edited and those stories available for all of you.
Friday night’s Nomad Story Slam was a non-political event in the middle of the most heated part of a political season. For most people, getting up and telling a personal story to a crowd of strangers is a daunting task. For candidates for public office it is twice as daunting and we are thrilled that so many stepped to the microphone.
Friday night we asked the audience to refrain from any bit of negativity. Enjoy the stories or not. We encouraged them to cheer on the storytellers if they liked but absolutely no hissing, booing or heckling. The audience was wonderfully compliant with that simple request. I’m going to ask the same of all of you here on Village 14.
Just as I brandished a large hook on Friday night. I’ll brandish a small Delete key tonight.
Enjoy the stories for what they are and continue all the campaign comments on the many other Village 14 threads … and never the twain shall meet.
Many many thanks to Gregorian Rugs, our video crew, the Newton Nomadic volunteers, the audience, but most of all to the storytellers. Click on the names below. Enjoy.
Ted Hess-Mahan – co-host and outgoing City Councilor
Anping Shen – candidate for School Committee
Deb Crossley – candidate for City Council
Andreae Downs – candidate for City Council
Eileen Sandberg – candidate for School Committee
Janet Sterman – candidate for City Council
Matt Miller – candidate for School Committee
Jake Auchincloss – candidate for City Council
Susan Albright – candidate for City Council
— intermission —
Amy Sangiolo – co-host and outgoing City Councilor
Jim Cote– candidate for City Council
Jerry Reilly – Newton Nomadic Theater
Ruthanne Fuller – candidate for Mayor
Margaret Albright – candidate for School Committee
Scott Lennon – candidate for Mayor
Nicole Castillo – candidate for City Council
Brenda Noel – candidate for City Council
Brian Yates – candidate for City Council
Andrea Kelley – candidate for City Council
Vickie Danberg – City Councilor bonus story
The links are not working…
I thought the event was great. Leave it to this crew to do something no one else has done, anywhere. Thanks a lot.
The stories were fun to listen to and the crowd seemed to love them all. Jerry, I’m really pleased you posted them individually since unfortunately I had to bug out after chatting at intermission.
The links are all working now.
I think the video quality took a nosedive when I transferred it to youtube. It should look substantially better if you see them on NewTV. That’s what happens when a non-video guy messes with video.
It doesn’t matter though. It’s all about the stories. Enjoy.
Three of my favorite moments of the night:
* Dark horse storyteller Jake Auchincloss managing to somehow get song lyrics distributed to the audience without the event organizer having any idea he’d done it. He’s good.
* Host Amy Sangiolo giving much needed and appreciated hugs to the storytellers as they came off stage.
* The audience pitching in and enthusiastically folding up all the chairs in minutes when the event ended.
A great night indeed
Just to minimize any confusion amongst you all … That woman who tells the third story about “Owen’s Crossing” is not really Jake Auchincloss, despite what the title card says.
That is Councilor Deb Crossley. Jake Auchincloss is actually the crooner who performs later in the program
These are amazing…must see for all political junkies and folks following this election. I particularly liked the ones where we learned something about individuals that we would never see otherwise.
So many good ones but my top recommendations are:
Amy Sangiolo
Brenda Noel
Jake Aunchincloss
Andrea Kelley
… really everyone must watch Matt Miller. Really, check it out!
You can’t tell from the video but what was the photo that councilor Danberg holds up at the end?
@Greg, here is the article and photo in the Washington Post (and about 500 other newspapers) that Councilor Danberg was referring to.
Having had a little back and forth with one person, over a comment made; along with other stuff, it inspired me to give a shout out to the Newton community as a whole. I have moderately followed the election and a tad of the conversation. It is abundantly clear to me that people bring a wonderful passion for the issues and the community. I am proud to call Newton home, and trust that Newton will be the better by virtue of the discussion, in the main, that has unfolded.
Jon Myers, The World’s Best Mediator
@Jon: Have missed you at the Depot! Glad you’re hanging out at Village 14. Village 14 can frequently use a professional mediator (world’s best) to remind us that we will live and prosper with humor, humanity, and humility, no matter what bubble we fill in on Tuesday!
@Jerry: My g’kids were performing their piano recital songs today for me, which included “Pop Goes the Weasel.” Made me think of you!!!!!!
@Sallee Lipshutz – ouch!, but yes I do deserve it.
LOVED Susan Albright’s Story. It made me cry
Ah, that’s wonderful Sallee. The Depot will surely stand as a part of my education into Newton, with you, Nelson, Joanie, Henry, Kim and great coffee and many more. I appreciate very much that you captured the spirit of my comment with respect to “humor, humanity and humility.” Greatness comes from those qualities along with the accuracy of our positions. Newton will be a leader. Good night one and all. Fight fair, and remember the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
BTW, that was a great recommendation from Greg, as far as Matt’s video. It reminded of a time or two that I volunteered in my kids’ first grade classes, ages ago, in Cambridge. It was such challenging work. Kudos to teachers. Jon
I received a call from a city councilor who was upset at me for recommending Matt Miller’s performance because they found it troubling. For the record, I was not recommending it, I was only saying that people really needed to watch it.
One of the things I loved about this event is that it made clear that both Scott Lennon and Ruthanne Fuller are solid people who have been working for years for all of our benefit.
We’re going to decide on Tuesday which one we want at the helm, but that doesn’t require us to vilify the other. If we do, we help poison the well for the next people that could potentially lead the city.
Yes both of these people are candidates, politicians, running for office but both of these folks are solid, decent, human beings who are, and have been working to make this city better.
Please do make your choice on Tuesday, but please also be grateful that both of these folks have been working for years on our behalf.
@Jerry, there you go again, endorsing both candidates for Mayor. When will you ever learn? Now, go forth and sin no more.
@Ted Hess-Mahan – :-) :-) :-)
Greg, makes a very valid point. He did not mean to endorse the candidacy, nor did I. Greg was referencing the “story” I take it, and me, the part about teachers. I was following Greg’s recommendation to watch the video; maybe next time, I will consider recommendations more carefully, and as need be; be more precise with my language. Thanks Greg, for the opportunity to learn. I appreciate it sincerely!
Jerry – Thanks for sharing this fantastic event. I enjoyed all the videos. It really showed the human side of all the candidates in a wonderful way. I give them all credit for putting themselves out there during this event and by running for office!