In case you missed it, New England Mobile Bookfair held a ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday as well as a day-long celebration of local authors. If you didn’t get over there, head over any time they’re open. The business, I’m sure, will be appreciated. Tom Lyons should be congratulated on getting the store off the ground in a very trying environment. (I left photos on the camera at the office, sorry I don’t have it for you now).
Four of the mayoral candidates came out when I was there, including Ruthanne Fuller, Amy Sangiolo and Richard Saunders (all helped cut the ribbon) with Scott Lennon coming a bit later. I’m told that Mayor Warren was scheduled to come later in the day, I wasn’t there for that.
Now for the part I found interesting. When the folks at NEMBF called around to the various TV stations to get them to come out and cover, they were told “well, there’s a hurricane” as an excuse as to why they would not send so much as a camera. Think about this. On Saturday, a full day before the hurricane made landfall in Florida, the LOCAL REPORTERS couldn’t be bothered to cover something local.