This weekend, the Newton Theatre Company offers free performances of Aeschylus’s The Oresteia on the west steps of City Hall — this Saturday and Sunday at 7:30PM. In case of rain (which is not expected), the performance will be held inside the Newton Cultural Center Auditorium at City Hall. Comfortable seats are provided, so there’s no need for lawn chairs or blankets.
The play centers on the historical transition from “eye-for-an-eye” justice to the birth of our modern system of litigation through courts and juries. In a brief introductory talk, Chris Polt (Boston College Classics Scholar in Residence) does a terrific job illuminating this theme and the questions it raises for us today.
This performance includes Parts II and III of the trilogy, following the company’s presentation of Part I last summer. (Don’t worry; the introduction makes it really easy to jump in without seeing Part I.) I saw the performance this evening, and I recommend it. It’s very approachable and well done. (I’m glad I read a brief summary beforehand, but that’s not needed.) After seeing this production, you will never, ever look at City Hall the same again! Kudos to the Newton Theatre Company!
I had considered titling this post
Two murders at City Hall this weekend
or maybe
Stabbings on City Hall steps,
but I don’t want to scare anyone away from a really good production.