| Newton MA News and Politics Blog
The proposed Newton Highlands Local Historic District, for which many people I know, including V14’s Bob Burke, have spent countless hours on research and outreach, has its public hearing tonight at Zoning & Planning. (Agenda here.) 
 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogHaving seen and written about the teardowns (and tree destruction) around the city, I couldn’t agree more with Donald Lang’s column in last week’s Tab, which is based on first-hand experience inside and outside of local historic districts.
As he wrote about an unwelcome demolition during his tenure on the Newton Historical Commission:

In the packed hearing room I was asked by a distraught neighbor, as chair of the NHC, “How could you let this happen?”

Sadly, I explained, the only real protection for neighborhoods rests in residents organizing and creating local historic districts.

He’s right, because all that the Newton Historical Commission can do is impose a 12-month (or 18-month for National Register properties) demolition delay, which developers routinely wait out. | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

I may not live in Newton Highlands myself, but visit often, and the architecture in the proposed district, along with the well-preserved village center, is what makes it so appealing. I suspect Newton Highlands’ village center is many people’s favorite, after their own village, or even favorite of all. And even if I were not a regular visitor, I would support any neighborhood’s effort to organize itself.

If you’d like to learn more about local historic districts, check out Chris Pitts’ video of the Newton Villages Alliance’s forum last year, The panelists explain what difference a local historic district can make, and the process to create once. It is challenging but doable if people are motivated and there is community support.

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog