A new website www.newtondemocracy.org is spreading the message that the Charter Review Commission’s latest proposal is wrong for Newton. It urges voters to say NO in November while offering opportunities for like-minded voters to join them in their efforts to keep our directly elected Ward Councilor representation intact.
Whether you agree with their premise or not, go to their website and read their arguments. You will learn about our City government structure now and how the proposed changes can affect you and your relationship with the local people who represent you! If you are convinced by their arguments, you can join them with your time and/or money! Be sure to notice the varied political positions of the early endorsers!
Is this group sponsoring mayoral candidate Sangiolo?
I believe they are limiting their message to the Charter.
certainly enough momentous energy for a mayoral candidate to seize upon – will one arise independent of the Democrat WGC machine?
Beautiful design. Congrats to whomever built this site.
Speaking of which, who is behind this site? Why is there no campaign committee list?
I think more endorsers and supporters may be waiting to see what exactly the Charter Commission ends up proposing! One flip can lead to another flop… so maybe they’ll add back directly-elected Ward Councilors and remove term limits from the City Council and Office of the Mayor and pare down the Council to 16 (8 at-large Councilors with Ward residency plus 8 directly-elected Ward Councilors) or leave it at 24. At this point, we’ll just have to wait until May 3 to find out! If they made those changes…I might even vote for it!!!!!!
Funny, it could also directly preload the voters gearing toward effective change. The art of the deal in a free-for-all election. Does the CC understand underdog progressive liberalism sentiment, i.e. welcoming city, leafblowerism, accessory apt., 40B v. prop 2 1/2, etc. – times prime for an underdog walk-in executive.
Let’s welcome a wall between Brookline et Newton, making Brookline pay for it.
Framingham just narrowly had their new charter approved today. Here is their final report:http://www.framinghamma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/26363
Some observations from the report on what the Framingham charter commission felt was important:
“It proposes having one councilor elected from each of nine districts and two councilors elected “at large.”
“District Council members and School Committee members will be elected by 9 neighborhood districts rather than across the community;”
“Since both the Council and School Committee will be elected from districts, it more equitably distributes how power and decision-making is shared across our community.”
“District level elections make it easier for newcomers to run for office since they only need run in their district rather than across all of Framingham. We believe this will broaden the range of people who choose to become the next generation of Framingham’s leaders.”
Glad Framingham understands this.
@Jack. Interesting notes about Framingham…Wish we had something like that set-up in Newton.
Oh, wait…
we are witnessing the birth of a city Framingham; latest related politics premised on best practices in GASB, what not to do as in Lowell. Unfortunately as expected the Newton machine has its’ blinders on to the red bull-flag of obstinacy; more harm than good. Framingham is the hook for the CC to hang its’ hat to modification..
@Harry: Please help us, the readers of your comments to follow them without research… I follow a lot of Newton and National politics, but had to research Democrat WGC machine and think you are referring to a liberal democratic group in Great Britain (see: https://welhatlibdems.org.uk/en/?page=15) currently protesting a development of 800 residences where a shredded wheat factory once stood that has only 50 affordable housing units. I should have recognized GASB as Governmental Accounting Standards Board, but am more familiar with GAAP reporting and less with what the gummint does. My bad.
@Sallee: Welcome to the club, many of us have been trying to figure out what the heck Harry is talking about for years now. ;)
Meanwhile, we’re also waiting for the folks behind this website to disclose who they are. Surely they shouldn’t expect anyone to donate money without saying who it is that will be making the spending decisions. Sallee since you posted this, perhaps you know?
Surely our campaign finance laws must require this disclosure (and the formation of a ballot initiative committee) too.
Why the secrecy Newton Democracy?
Harry speaks in parable which makes him almost saint like.
@Bob Burke – There is a religious element – but more like “speaking in tongues”
@Sallee – Sadly, I might have some insight into what Harry was referring to. WGC is his term for the League of Women Voters, which he calls the “Women of the Golden Circle”, who he believes have complete control over Newton politics. He thinks that’s a bad thing and that somehow men are underrepresented in Newton decision making.
The fact that I know this means I officially have spent too much time on Village 14.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead could have been referring to WGC/LWVN
I attended a meeting that Emily ran and listened to several dozen Newton residents say they could not support a Charter that killed our directly elected ward representation. No Committee was identified. I gave money because I agreed and trust Emily!And Emily has not taken off for the Caribbean with the funds… the persuasive yet educational website bears testimony to that! However, as I also said, if the charter commission reinstitutes directly elected ward representation in the 8 wards, I might very well reconsider. I told Emily that I will wait until May 4, the day after the Charter Commission must submit its final proposal and can no longer change its mind again, to add my name to the list of endorsers!
Harry: for about $60 a year you can join the League and vote in their consensus meetings. There are plenty of guys on the League membership roster. It is my understanding that if enough league members don’t like the charter proposal, they won’t endorse it. I think their meeting to decide is Sunday, April 30, but check on their website, pay your dues and come on into the discussion.