| Newton MA News and Politics BlogThe developer of the Washington Place project (aka the Orr Block) in Newtonville has just announced that they are withdrawing their proposal from the City Council and will instead re-design the project as a state administered 40B affordable housing project.

Dear Supporter of Washington Place:


I want to start by saying:  Thank you.  In the past 10 months, your voice in support of the Washington Place project has had an enormous positive impact on the review of our proposal by the Land Use Committee and other city agencies.  More than 100 of you have spoken at public hearings, written letters and otherwise stood up in favor of a progressive approach to new housing, village centers and transportation improvements in our city.


Unfortunately, I write today to report that Mark Development has formally requested that the Washington Place proposal be withdrawn from review by the City Council.  We made this decision based on clear insights that it was not possible to achieve the required 18 yes votes from the City Council.  You can read our letter to the City Council in the PDF attached.   


The good news is that we are still moving forward with this project.  We expect to submit a redesigned version of Washington Place for review and approval as a 40B Affordable Housing Project.  Because this process is overseen by the Commonwealth, we believe the project has a greater chance of review on its merits and successful approval.  


We will continue to need your support as we move forward.  I thank you for the time and energy you have invested in this important project to date and know that together we can build something great for the city of Newton.


 Robert Korff

Mark Development, LLC