Yesterday, the Newton North community received the following email from Principal Turner, regarding recent comments and social media posts:

Dear Newton North Community,


Over the past few weeks, we have learned of hurtful, insensitive and offensive comments and photoshopped pictures posted on social media. Many of these posts have targeted students for their political beliefs. Online posts of such nature will not be tolerated. This behavior does not reflect who we are at Newton North. At North, we value the diversity of our community and respect the dignity of all individuals, including those with whom we might disagree.


Let us work together to uphold the mission and values of our school.



Henry J. Turner, EdD
Newton North High School

It’s unclear from the message how many posts there have been or the content.  Going out on a limb here and saying social media “fights” likely weren’t something that the average V14 reader/poster dealt with in high school. People, including high schoolers, appear to be flexing their “keyboard muscles.”

While Principal Turner’s message was intended for the NNHS community, it seemed like a good thing to post here, given the recent incidences of the school system not being forthcoming with sharing information.