The robot and our fans at a recent competition

The robot and our fans at a recent competition.

I’ve posted about the LigerBots for quite some time and there’s good reason: it’s a great program. This is the FIRST Robotics Competition team for both high schools and this week we’re holding an intro night for students interested in joining! It’s geared toward 8th graders, but everyone is invited.

Join us on Thursday evening, June 2, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Newton South High School.

While the program is great for students who are interested in STEM-focused subjects, we’re also looking for students who are interested in graphic design, public speaking, grant writing or even just looking for a fun activity.

We will be n the Newton South wood shop, Room 9170. This will be a hands-on evening for prospective team members with opportunities to drive a robot, use power tools, do engineering challenge games, be part of a new social media campaign and participate in other activities to help students see what makes the LigerBots a top robotics team. Dessert will be served.

For more information, email [email protected] .