During the week of February 14-21, 2016, NewTV will be hosting a short film challenge for Newton high school students. The program will begin with a kickoff event on Feb. 13 at the NewTV studio where each team will blindly draw the genre of their film. They will also receive a required character, prop and line of dialogue that must be incorporated into their 4-7 minute movie. Throughout the course of the week, the students will work within the given parameters to create the best possible final product.
The top three films will be featured during a special screening event at NewTV in the HD screening room. An additional prize will be awarded to the first place team.
In 2015, the top three films, Snow Day, Death of a Billionaire and She Comes She Goes creatively incorporated an umbrella, the character of billionaire Lloyd (or Lindsay) McClellan, and the line “You might want to put gloves on for this.” Students enjoyed the opportunity to see their work on the big screen. NewTV’s Director of Educational Media explained, “Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be involved in movies, whether it was being in them or making them. So, I provided that opportunity to high school students by running the One-Week Short Film Challenge.”
Any aspiring director, actor, writer, or producer who wants a chance to see their story come to life on the big screen should take advantage of this opportunity. This event is open to high school students. Registration is open from December 7-February 13. For more information contact [email protected].