Do you understand the cartoon published this week in the Newton Tab? Clearly, the list offered in the picture is a list of those who have said they might run for the Charter Commission. But do any of you understand who the two characters are who seem to be puppeteers and why the address indicated at which they seem to conspire is in “the bowels of” the building that houses Waban’s Starbucks? Perhaps the artist can help?
Is there a Missing Clue in the Tab’s Latest Political Cartoon?
by Lisa Parlagreco | Jul 16, 2015 | Newton | 9 comments
Hi Sallee,
I’m happy you saw yesterday’s editorial cartoon and wanted to discuss. Thank you!
But I always hesitate to fully explain because:
– I spend quite a bit of time thinking, writing and polishing before drawing these out and even then changes & revisions are made right up to last moment. If I can just explain it out in a few sentences, why go through all that, especially the drawing part? ☺
– People may have their own interpretations, conclusions and feelings that they glean from the piece. Then I come elbowing in and say “No, here’s what it meant.” Feels wrong. Other people’s opinion and conclusions from the art once it’s out there are just as valid as mine.
– I like symbolism and metaphors. Cartooning especially uses symbols as a shorthand (like an overweight man with top hat as banker for example) and using symbols is also another way to shade the edges and leave some metaphors open to interpretation and discussion.
I will say that the address was chosen from personal experience, none of it particularly pleasant. Plus, those benches in there are hard and uncomfortable!
And the two people were ripe for a slight teasing poke in the ribs.
Thank you again!
Mark, I was going to ask the very same question as Sallee. Even after being forced to resort to Google to find the significance of the address, my reaction was still ‘Huh?’
I think you failed with this one.
@Mark: I never “metaphor-ay” into sarcasm or satire that I didn’t appreciate and the Monopoly Banker as symbol of substance is well known. So I went back and pored over your drawing, looking for clues to a Shadow Government’s Identity. My guess: Lamont Cranston?
…And Margo, of course!
Hi Robert – Thanks for your input. I like the occasional air of mystery and/or a “hidden” clue that requires some research to unlock.
But the ultimate overall goal is to convey clarity of thought… so if too many people are left scratching their heads, perhaps I was a bit TOO obtuse. When this happens it’s literally back to the drawing board and do what I try to do every week: do it better in every aspect.
Thanks again! Mark
PS: Just a note that I appreciate both the bouquets and the brickbats but can only respond to real people who use full names as in both cases above. People have a right to post and voice their opinions anonymously but I cannot respond. I find it’s like talking with but a shadow.
Hi Sallee —
As the kids say nowadays: OMG!
I loved that series and hence the use of word of shadow in the cartoon.
I used the beak nose and upturned collar too and gave the lady a bit of a bobbed hairdo.
The real people I was also referencing have to remain anonymous and I can see where I was too obtuse in that area. But I’m so impressed and happy you picked up the “surface” reference.
Funny, Mark, I thought I was being a wiseacre! I should have realized that the Shadow Knows!
I’m going to take a whack at this cartoon. I think the list of the cc isn’t just a list of people who are going to run, because many people on this list haven’t committed, yet. So, I am going to guess that many people on this list are people that have lost an election for Alderman. And the BOC are afraid that not only can’t they control the list, but are afraid of a smaller board. Therefore, the two people in the shade would be the BOC president and vice president.
474 woodward st is startbucks and maybe thats the place they occasionally meet for coffee. Total guessing, I dont drink coffee. Just a guess.
The cartoon was really not that difficult to understand. Unfortunately, it’s a fairly accurate portrayal [albeit in cartoon form] of how Newton politics work. But I really want to comment on the bigger picture… This community is incredibly fortunate to have a world-class artist like Mark Marderosian as part of our local newspaper. I’ve admired his brilliant work for years.