What’s missing from this picture?

map chasuppereast

Along Newton’s northern border is one of the region’s gems: the Charles River Greenway.  Except for one crucial gap in and around the intersection of Bridge St. and California St.

This intersection is on Newton’s short list for traffic signal improvements this year, but the city and its engineer currently have no plans to move the ball forward to help bridge this gaping gap in an otherwise world-class facility.  Instead, the city’s plan is all about increasing motor vehicle capacity.  Bike accommodations, I was told vaguely, may happen sometime “down the road”.

There are innovative bikeway designs, including safe, clearly marked shared sidewalk-cycle tracks, that are good for moving not just cars, but people who want other ways to get around.  Let’s not waste this golden opportunity for Newton to make the Charles River Greenway whole, and live up to its complete streets commitment by improving this intersection for all users.