On Thursday, June 4 from 6:30-8:30pm there will be an art gallery reception at NewTV. Back by popular demand, the second annual FABric show offers a captivating fine art showcase. Every image is constructed of fabric and fiber, or has fiber as the subject. Attendees will have the opportunity to view the art, mingle with the artists, and enjoy complimentary wine and cheese.
All artists are from the New Art Center. They include: Hanne Bernstein, Ellen Fisher, Bronwen Fullington, Deborah Hiatt, Dora Hsiung, Zeina Kahhale, Diana Kooy, Shuk Lee, Radhika Mathews, Roberta Oakley, Susan Tornheim, Gillan Wang, Sharon Whitham, Emily Williams, and Lynn Witty. For more information on the exhibit, visit http://www.newtv.org/about/art-galleries/album/fabric-2015