| Newton MA News and Politics BlogThis past Saturday we finished our Newton Tree Conservancy spring Community Tree Plantings, with a total of 69 trees planted by homeowners and volunteers in four groups: Canterbury Road area, Evelyn Road, lower Chestnut Street area, and Woodcliff -Oakdale-Parker Ave. We were blessed with perfect weather for people on each planting day (perfect weather for trees would be rain), and everything went great, with help from Marc Welch and the tree crew, and Nate Cenis of Cedarlawn division of Bartlett, who is a regular volunteer with Newton Tree Conservancy. Participants included a

Checking planting depth on a bare root tree PhotoJulia Malakie

Checking planting depth on a bare root tree. (Photo/Julia Malakie)

large contingent of V14 bloggers (Andreae Downs, Chris Steele, Sallee Lipshutz in the Chestnut group) and Adam Peller helping out at Woodcliff. And new people like Ari, the boy in the photo above, who was helping on his fifth tree by the time I caught up with him on Woodcliff Road, and was already expert at poking out air holes, and keeping mulch away from the trunks.

I count 18 different species that we planted, including three kinds of oak, two kinds of cherry, serviceberry, crabapple, Amur Maackia, and American linden, which we regularly plant; some that aren’t always available like hophornbeam and yellowwood, and a couple that I think are new for street tree planting in Newton, ‘Emerald City’ tuliptree and Osage orange. So, further progress in reducing the monoculture of Norway maples as they die and are removed.Vertical trunk Chestnut AD MW Sm

We’re now looking for applications from groups of neighbors interested in planting trees this fall. (Planting day will be Saturday morning, November 14.) We like to do groups of at least five houses and at least eight trees, but there’s not an upper limit. We’re asking for applications by June 1, and you can get more info and application forms at newtontreeconservancy.org (click on the Programs drop-down menu to Community Tree Plantings).