Take a look at these students at BC who are working for a livable climate.  They epitomize our best and brightest.  So why are some of them are at risk of disciplinary action by the BC administration?

Because they continue to hold events about climate action on campus in spite of lacking status as an officially recognized student group.  This status has been repeatedly denied in spite of the good faith efforts of the students.

BC’s President, Fr. Leahy, has been clear that this student group and its mission is not welcome at BC:

“BC will not lead on climate, and we certainly won’t lead Catholic or Jesuit communities on divestment.”


BC is located partly in Newton. Freedom of peaceful speech is being suppressed in our community by a university administration which refuses to recognize a legitimate student group and suppresses its message with threat of disciplinary action.

This Sunday (12:45pm starting at the BC T stop on the B line) is an opportunity for Newton to stand for freedom of speech, by joining Bill McKibben, Rev. Robert Massie, and many others working for climate justice across greater Boston.  The BC students, some of whom fear severe disciplinary action including expulsion, are for that reason unable to attend, and so this event is being organized by ‘outsiders’ – like residents of Newton.