I just heard from two very reliable sources that President Obama plans to appoint Newton Mayor Setti Warren Ambassador to Israel to replace Daniel Shapiro sometime in the next couple of days . Apparently Warren has told a few select elected officials and executive office staff and is planning on making an official announcement about his resignation later today. I just placed a call to his office and cell phone but was not successful in reaching anyone.
My source said that this has been in the works for a while. I guess that explains the trips to (and fondness for?) Israel.
Yikes!! Does this mean there’s about to be a mayor’s race?
Wow! Although, this does make other rumours make some sense.
I believe so Jerry.
I haven’t had time to digest this but my gut reaction is this: If anyone can bring the Palestinians and Israelis together to collaborate, it’s Setti Warren. And there probably aren’t many politicians with a better relationship with John Kerry. But — and this is a big but — he vowed that he’d stay until the end of his term. He was forgiven once for breaking that promise. People won’t forgive this. Unless, of course, he brings peace to the Middle East!
He would have to be confirmed by the Senate first, of course. Does anyone know how long a process that is?
Looks like Scott Lennon is about to get a promotion!
I knew something was up last night at the Land Use Committee meeting because some of the board members seemed preoccupied with something other than what was on the agenda. And we know Obama knows Setti Warren. And of course, he worked for John Kerry. But this is stunning.
Not that big a surprise: There was a hint of this last week, without names mentioned, in the AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) newsletter. We know that Mayor Warren has been very close to AIPAC, traveling to Israel twice with them, once in 2012 and again in 2014 with Governor Patrick. It’s thought that after the Netanyahu situation Obama wants to improve relations with AIPAC.
We were hoping to get the mayor back to tell another a story for our upcoming Nomad Story Slam. I’ve been trying to get an answer from his office for days and heard nothing back, which is unlike them. I guess this is why.
Interesting that he posted just yesterday from the opening of the IAC (Israeli-American Council) center in Newton Center.
The current Ambassador to Israel, David Shapiro, is very close to Hilary Clinton and it’s believed he is stepping down to prepare to take the position of Campaign Manager for Hilary’s Presidential run.
Hilary’s running for president? How did I miss that? :-)
@Gail – Yes, the position has to be confirmed by the Senate. Recently some ambassadorships have taken over a year to get confirmation, but one thinks that with the current circumstances the Senate might move a little faster in this situation. Figure we have a change here by year’s end _ interestingly coinciding with the regular (non-Mayoral) municipal election.
Could it be April fools?
I was one of Setti’s earliest supporters, but was decidedly against his run for the Senate a few years back. This time, I’m excited about the possibilities this nomination presents. He understands Israel and has worked tirelessly and successfully to promote business opportunities between that nation and Newton. It;’s clear that Israelis who have worked with the Mayor come away with a great deal of respect for the man and for the way he does things. The Mayor is persuasive. He has the perfect temperament and political instincts to improve relations between Israel and this country. And his friendship and past professional association with John Kerry is another giant plus.
Some will come down hard on the Mayuor for “abandoning” Newton before his full term is up, but these criticisms will come across as misplaced and even petty because the dangers and problems in the Middle East so dwarf any of the problems and challenges we face in Newton. He should go for it.
Sorry to bring up the elephant in the room but isn’t the US Ambassador to Israel almost always, or even always, Jewish?
I already looked that up Greg. The answer is not always. My source is wikipedia and I’m making some educated guesses, but a lot of these appointments appear very political.
Great April Fools Joke Gail!!!!!!!
If you’re at all surprised at this or believed that if given the opportunity Setti wouldn’t leave this city for another job you’ve been walking around the past 4-5 years with blinders on. That’s always healthy for a city….supposed overwatchers of the city walking around with blinders on and enamored by the supposed leader.
Also,If he does resign. Scott is Mayor for 2.5 years, not until November. The Mayor’s race is still every 4 years, that doesn’t change.
Does anyone still think that the Mayors trip to Dubai and Israel were to recruit jobs to Newton (lol)….good grief.
Gail got me. I totally forgot it was the first
@Greg Reibman-how do you know that Setti isn’t Jewish? Maybe he converted. This is a GREAT April fools joke!!!!!
@Alison. It’s only a coincidence that this announcement leaked out on the 1st. I was at a party on Sunday honoring Peg Hannigan’s 95th birthday and heard rumors that the Obama Administration wanted to tap the Mayor for some kind of foreign assignmen,t and that an announcement was “imminent”. This source is highly credible and “wired in” to the Democratic Party.
come on, April Fools!
I have been hearing these rumors since Sunday, but it was confirmed for me when I dropped by the Mayor’s office and saw a box of matzah. I also saw President Lennon in the Mayor’s office this week measuring the curtains. Necertheless, with a Republican majority in the Senate and the Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down President Obama’s recess appointments, this is by no means a done deal. So stay tuned.
Very funny stuff.
Boy, word gets around fast. I first heard it in the produce section of Whole Foods very early this morning. I wonder who that “wired in” Dem is. Imagine having a “wired in” Dem right here in Newton.
Funny how I can’t find anything about the current ambassador, David Shapiro, resigning. I guess V14 didn’t have the resources to send anyone to that press conference. And why is Setti Warren resigning before being confirmed by the Senate? Not sure that he would be a sure thing in the current political environment.
Cute how everyone is “all in” on this April Fool’s Day gag ;>)
I had overheard a conversation by someone else who was “wired in,” however this was at Stop’n’Shop not Whole Foods. Still a very credible person. S/he had also heard that Mayor Warren was moving on. But not for the ambassadorship — he’s rumored to be taking the open spot in One Direction. Not sure which wired person to believe now.
There’s just no replacing Zayne…..