IMG 1301I’ve  been meaning to post this since the “Blizzard.” Since then, of course, we’ve had a little more of the white stuff.

It started after the first storm, when Bob on the corner borrowed Bob & Liz’s snow blower (we have 4 corners, 3 Bobs), and did 4 blocks of sidewalk, even though the City normally clears our walks (more on that below*).

Then during the “Blizzard” I took this shot on Canterbury Road (near the Eliot T stop–officially Newton Highlands), where neighbors had clearly banded together to clear the sidewalks–both sides of the street and even to the aqueduct path many of us take to the T.

Last week, despite no-show from the city plows, neighbors took on a good chunk of Chestnut (and other streets) sidewalks, even through the windrows left by the street plows, so kids and commuters weren’t forced into traffic.

Today, Bob-of-the-snowblower’s wife, Liz, is taking the snowblower down Chestnut again.

Tell us if your favorite sidewalks got the Neighborly Newton treatment!

About the City sidewalk clearance–a combination of horrific weather and equipment failure (some of this stuff dates from before Prop. 2 1/2 passed) have made keeping the school routes clear a nightmare. They did Beacon for the first time since the “Blizzard” on Saturday. Most of Chestnut was done last night. Of course, another foot has fallen since.

So neighbors–I know you were counting on not having to do your walks, but if you are on a snow route, please clear your walk for this storm!

And Newton–it’s time we invested in some decent sidewalk clearing equipment, so our DPW workers (thank you guys & gals!) can do the job.

For those not on school routes–here’s an idea from Ann Arbor.