The Zoning Board of Appeals met in the Aldermanic Chambers on Dec. 9 to discuss the petition for a 40B residential/retail development in the Wells Avenue Office Park. The discussion was knee-deep in legal maneuvering based on the City’s Legal Department opinion that the deed restriction on the property (which runs until 2067), is “an interest in land” that the ZBA was advised is not within the ZBA’s authority to waive. A straw vote indicated that the Board agreed not to ignore that advice. I thought we would go home early. But the law (as I understood it – or, perhaps it was the process) intervened once more. It was argued that not specifying the conditions under which the petition would be granted (absent a deed restriction) would leave the City vulnerable to State imposition of less rigorous conditions. The Board then proceeded to outline the waivers and conditions under which the project could proceed IF the deed restriction were overturned by the HAC or by an appeal to some other judicial body. The first condition imposed was a reduction of the number of units from 334 to 276 and the lowering of the number of floors to be built by one. The Petitioner proposed the 334 unit building and the Planning Department suggested to the ZBA the smaller number. I am unclear as to whether the Planning Department also suggested lowering the number of floors or whether community remarks (sent to the ZBA and made at prior public hearings) were the influencing source for the change. I left as the list of ZBA approved waivers to be granted to the Petitioner was expanding and the clock was approaching 10:00pm. ZBA Chair, Brooke Lipsett, indicated her intention to have the Board finish the deliberations last night, and I assume they did. If that did, indeed, happen, we will now wait for a higher body to determine the legitimacy and usefulness of the deed restriction. Unless Newton reaches a 10% solution or a 1-1/2 % solution first. Stay tuned.
Surprise: Apparently the ZBA voted (after I left) not to grant the 40B Petition (with conditions and waivers). So Wells Avenue is now likely to go up the appellate chain to determine whether the deed restriction is controlling (without no conditional order from the ZBA). I could have gone home earlier!
Comment should be “without any” Pardon me.
This developer was hoping to get a giant apartment building approved by offering the city peanuts in the form of traffic mitigation. It’s a classic case of using 40B to try and bully a community into submission.
The City needs to look at projects like this two ways. First, how it fits with the surrounding neighborhood. And secondly, if it’s a good fit, the City needs to view these projects as business transactions, and extract as much value as possible for the benefit of the community.
In this case, the developer should be offering a 10 year plan to mitigate 100% of the cost of educating the school age children who would live in the building. That type of proposal would set both a new tone and a new standard for 40B development in Newton. In the case of this specific project, I would go from an opponent to a supporter, if the developer was willing to pay for the impact of this project on our area schools.
Sallee and anyone else who wants to know what the ZBA conditionally approved, audio is now available here:
I think anyone who’s never been to a ZBA meeting will find it a revelation.