If you already work in Boston, make the commute there fun and memorable by joining the Bicycle/Pedestrian Task Force-led Bike Convoy Friday.

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As Sean has noted here:

“It’s a ton of fun and an especially good way to dip a toe into the waters of bike-commuting.”

There’s also free breakfast from Boloco, fun, music and bike love.

The convoy goes from Newton City Hall, through Newtonville, to Watertown Square, along the Charles, and up Congress Street. The ride starts at City Hall (6:45), with stops at the corner of Walnut and Washington Park (a few minutes later) and the Laundry Brook footbridge near Watertown Square (7:00ish).

convoy map

Convoys from all over the area converge at the festival at Boston City Hall, where there are refreshments, bike-related organizations, free bike repair, music, and general merriment and good will.

Bike Boston has posted a video of the May bike convoy and party here.

Registration is recommended.