Yarn-stormed, that is: yarn bench   I noticed this addition to the bike-rack bench and this… yarn pole   …late last week. I’ve since been watching other sign posts for evidence of yarn, but been disappointed. Today, I finally called Ellen Meyers, the library’s director of programs and communications, to ask whether she knew about the yarn storm. She told me “library staff and community members” volunteered to knit the project. She also said this part of the library’s new STEAM program, which launched in March. So far, most of the publicity on this program (which I’d assumed was about Steampunk, but instead it’s even-cooler: Science Technology Enginering ARTS and Math) has centered around the new MakerBot 3-D printer and courses on how to use it. BUT–this month’s STEAM offerings include origami and knitting (a heavily math-based craft, trust me). Meantime, are there some benches or signposts in need of improvement? Send suggestions!