The first annual Tour de Newton will be held on Sunday, October 6. and it promises to be a great event for everyone – kids, adults, experienced bicyclists and casual riders.
The Tour will be a 20 mile bicycle ride that will start simultaneously in all 13 villages at 9:30AM. You’ll be riding the whole loop, through all 13 Newton villages, with a group of your village neighbors and be guided by a leader and a sweeper who know the route. The route’s been carefully chosen to be a fun, safe and pleasant ride.
As the group arrives at each village, you’ll be met by greeters who’ll give you a specially designed village badge and tell you a bit about the highlights of their village. Complete the whole route and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a new bike from International Bicycle on Needham St. It should be a great event, and a great way to see the corners of the city you may not often (or ever) get to, so sign up here.
By the way … if you don’t want to ride the 20 miles, we’re looking for volunteers in most of the villages to serve as the “village greeters”. Your job is to meet each incoming group of riders, hand out the village badges and water to the riders and tell them a bit about the highlights of your village – i.e be the village ambassador.
If you might be interested, contact me at [email protected]
Also, we’re still looking for financial sponsors for the event – either business, or commercial to help defray the expenses. If you have any leads or might consider contributing yourself contact me at [email protected]
Jerry – Is it possible for people to ride only part of the loop? Say 10 miles?
Absolutely! If you only ride part of the loop, you’ll be on your own about the best route to get back to your starting point. We’ll try to have as much info in the hands of the greeters to help guide you … or someone can come pick you up with a bike rack :-)
Awesome logo.
Yes it was done by Heidi Werner, a local Newton designer who does fabulous work. Check out the logo she also did for the Upper Falls Greenway,.
Would be cool on a tee shirt!
13 cool t-shirts….plus one virtual shirt.
Your ride leaders (I will be your leader for Newtonville folks) should be able to help you get back to your village if you would like. There are a couple locations that will be noted for their ease to get back to your village. For example I will be making a note regarding getting back to Newtonville at Newton Highlands (quick up Walnut, with bike lanes at least until City Hall). Some villages it will be trickier but there will always be an option to get back. We will not be leaving riders either, so don’t worry :)
Do you know who the
leader will be in Nonantum? Should we print extra registration forms or will they be given to us along with the buttons the morning of the bike tour?
Yes, Tom Gloria and Steve Seigel will be the leader and “sweep”for Nonantum. I’ll contact you via email for ‘the other details.