BadgeThe first annual Tour de Newton will be held on Sunday, October 6.  and it promises to be a great event for everyone – kids, adults, experienced bicyclists and casual riders.

The Tour will be a 20 mile bicycle ride that will start simultaneously in all 13 villages at 9:30AM.   You’ll be riding the whole loop, through all 13 Newton villages, with a group of your village neighbors and be guided by a leader and a sweeper who know the route.  The route’s been carefully chosen to be a fun, safe and pleasant ride.

As the group arrives at each village, you’ll be met by greeters who’ll give you a specially designed village badge and tell you a bit about the highlights of their village.  Complete the whole route and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a new bike from International Bicycle on Needham St.  It should be a great event, and a great way to see the corners of the city you may not often (or ever) get to,  so sign up here.