For info about this year’s (2014) Feast of the Falls, click here.
About 1 PM yesterday afternoon it was all beginning to seem like a colossal mistake. A quarter mile of the Sudbury aqueduct in Hemlock Gorge was strewn with truck loads full of equipment and supplies. A handful of volunteers were facing a mountain of work that could not possibly done in the next few hours. By 1:30, neighborhood volunteers were streaming across Echo Bridge and a small army began to work. By 4 PM, the 250 foot table was assembled, the tablecloths were laid, the table was set, the entire three tented mobile kitchen was assembled, the kitchen was fully stocked and ready to go, and the entire aqueduct was festooned with festive lanterns.
The event was scheduled for 5 – 9 PM. This time of year it doesn’t really get dark until 9 PM. One last minute detail that only was discovered the night before was lighting. We didn’t need lights for dinner but we’d certainly need them for the post-Feast tear down of all the equipment. An email went out Saturday night, and all those volunteers streaming in on Sunday afternoon brought miles of extension cord, lights and power strips. A generators and car batteries powered a mile’s worth of power lines that lit the length of the aqueduct and the whole kitchen area.
About 4 PM, the VIP Server Crew began to arrive, all wearing matching black/white uniforms. Nearly the full complement of Upper Falls’ elected official turned up to wait tables for the night – Rep Ruth Balser, all three of or aldermen (Deb Crossley, Brian Yates, and John Rice), Steve Siegel, our man on the School Committee, and the entire Upper Falls Area Council. Also part of the crew were Newton Tab editor Emily Costello and Newton Patch editor Brooklyn Lowry, Rounding out VIP Server Crew were all our local celebrities – the familiar faces from Upper Falls businesses (Mike Bouchet and Kevin Richard from Mike Classic Barbershop, The O’Shaughnessy’s from Upper Falls Variety, Henry La’s entire family from The Depot, Mel Rosenberg and his wife from the Brass Buff Antiques at Echo Bridge).
By 4:30 the 15 person Check-in/Greeter crew was on the job on Echo Bridge and the guests began to arrive. From 5 – 6PM people continued to arrive, to wander around and chat and find their way to their assigned “street” on the endless table while listening to the Echo Quartet, a string quartet from Carriage House Violins, put together just for the event, and a roving flautist from Dunn Gaherins Restaurant.
At 6 PM, the massive dinner bell rang out and the Feast began. Teams of runners began pouring out of the kitchen with platters of food, up the hill, down the length of the table to the servers, and on to the table.
By everyone’s account the food was fantastic. It was a five course meal but there were two entire menus. Each course had both a dish from the Better Life Food/Dunn Gaherins crew as well as an Asian vegetarian dish from the Tzu Chi Foundation’s menu.
This was the first annual Feast of The Falls and so there were the inevitable minor snags along the way, but no one seemed to mind much. They were all too busy gabbing, eating, laughing and talking to their old friends and neighbors and their new friends as well.
Just before desert, Chef Christopher Osborn and the the Feast’s visionary Seana Gaherin emerged from the kitchen and strolled the length of the table to talk to all the guests and to finally get to soak up the whole ambiance of the event. Once the dessert of s’mores hit the table, the entire exhausted and hungry server and runner crew retired to Downton Abbey (i.e the servants quarters) for their own well earned dinner.
By all accounts, the entire event was a smash success with everybody and will definitely return again next year. This morning in Upper Falls, everybody was still abuzz – at the bus stop, at the Variety Store, at The Depot, at the playground, its all everyone was talking about.
… and most importantly, from my very selfish point of view, I had the time of my life.
I don’t think I’ve been to a better event in all my life. Everything about it was outstanding, almost miraculous. If I begin to thank one person, I’ll forget scores of other Upper Falls folk who made this joyous event possible, but certainly Chris Osborn, Seana Gaherin, the Tzu Chi Foundation, all the Upper Falls merchants and businesses, and Jerry were the foundation that made it all possible. The food, chamber music by the Echo Trio, the setting, the ambiance and all the people like me who were privileged to be there made for an unforgettable evening.
I’m a lifelong resident of Newton Highlands, but Upper Falls and Hemlock Gorge have always held a special place in my memory. I was glad to see Upper Falls come alive last evening in a way it hasn’t seen since the old Echo Bridge Park moved out of the Gorge more than a century ago.
You guys did such a great job last evening that the Highlands Council has decided to withdraw its claims to Pettee Square and the Green way though I wouldn’t trust the folks from Waban to be quite so generous. They were eying the bridge and taking measurements while we dined.
Jerry, thanks to you and Steve and Seana and the whole crew. We had a blast. Upper Falls is rich in people like you!
We had one very expressive chef.
@Bob — How did I miss meeting you?
Lots more “grin and grabs” — emphasis on “grins” — are up now on the TAB’s website:
Jerry, you should have had the time of your life. You and the others were amazing at putting this thing together. The whole community came together in large part because of you and your efforts. And I’ll repeat Bob Burke’s comment about Upper Falls coming alive last night. It was such a phenomenal event.
And now that enthusiasm for being an Upper Falls resident is raised to a new high, I hope that we can get large community support generated for the Emerson Playground rebuild that is so needed. And finally that this same community support will be there for getting us back our neighborhood elementary school. I am so proud to be a citizen of Newton Upper Falls.
Being new to Upper Falls (just moved in 2 1/2 weeks ago) this was a great welcome to the neighborhood. Thank you to all who made it possible.
I had such fun at the feast! The quartet was marvelous, the food was delicious, the company was great, and the whole evening was unforgettable! This is community at its best. Here’s to many more to come. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)o自自o( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Cheers!
Thank you to all who shared their vision and those who worked to make that vision a reality. It was a magical joyous night in an amazing community, and the food was simply great! It was an unforgettable privilege to be able to be a part of such an event.
It was the best community event I’ve ever been to, and it was a great pleasure to help serve food to my friends and neighbors. I’d also like to express particular praise for the tremendous effort put in by Jerry and Seana.
The feast was fabulous! Thanks so very much to everyone who made it possible. I look forward to coming again next year, and seeing many of the wonderful people of Upper Falls that I met last night when I’m out and about in our wonderful village!
What a great time we had. We haven’t been residents of Upper Falls very long….not even a year and it was wonderful to be able to attend. The idea to have this event and the extensive planning and publicizing and planning some more all deserve a tremendous amount of credit. We are already looking forward to next year.
Simply amazing! I am in awe of the entire event, so special memories. thank you!
Two special thanks that we shouldn’t forget go to Christopher Osborn, our master chef and master of logistics and most especially to our Buddhists friends at the Tzu Chi Foundation. Without their enthusiastic support and sponsorship, the entire event would never have happened.
P.s. … and they sure had some wonderful vegetarian dishes. High praise indeed coming from this committed carnivore.
Jerry is like the Mayor of Ward 5. Kudos for caring.
Sheff just lost his shot at John Rice’s endorsement.
John is an alderman already.
Greg, are you interested in Lieutenant Mayor?
John’s got the Mayor of Ward 5 job locked up tight. I’m shooting for the Upper Falls Mischievous Instigator position. It’s going to be an uphill battle though with Seana in the race.
… and shame on me. The one other absolutely key contributor was the Upper Falls CDC who came up with the all important major cash contribution when the Feast’s expanding ambitions outran its meager budget.
Here’s an unofficial poster for the Feast of The Falls.
There have been many wonderful moments in our over 42 years in NUF. This is right at the TOP! Thanks for refilling the glass of community spirit! See you next year! onward and upward!!!
Charles & Mary-Anne Benedict
How cool is this photo? My neighbor Aurelio Ramirez just sent it. There is no bend in the table. That’s just an artifact of the panorama style photo
BTW, on the far side of the table you can see a few of our VIP Servers. Center left we have Area Councillor Susan Huffman, and Alderman Brian Yates, Center right we have MA State Rep Ruth Balser and School Committee Member Steve Siegel, and an unknown (to me) third waiter. These are some true public servants.
On the near side of the table is yours truly, beside the dinner bell, sporting a very nice half tuxedo.