
I just heard from Greer Tan Swiston this morning about an appalling and idiotic case of tree vandalism at Wellington Park in West Newton, which has the Friends of Wellington Park, and the park’s many users, very upset. The bark was stripped from a beautiful 13” sugar maple, which will kill the tree, and it will end up being removed. It also looks like someone chopped at the trunk with an axe, whether before of after stripping the bark it’s hard to say. And on the back side, it looks like the tree was ‘tagged’ with some sort of graffiti, that looks etched into the trunk with some type of burning device.

A park user told me the tree was fine on Tuesday, but like this on Wednesday, so the vandalism must have happened Tuesday night, since the park is used so much during the day. Greer said there has been other minor vandalism at Wellington Park (and I saw some other graffiti on the court pavement), but this is the worst. The Newton Police and Forestry hTreeVandalismGraffitiave been informed. I don’t know if the police have any leads, but if anyone saw anything or recognizes this graffiti style please let them know (617-796-2100).  What was done to this tree must have taken some time. And take note if you see any odd activity around trees at night. It’s bad enough that we are losing hundreds of trees a year to old age, storm damage, winter moth caterpillars, gas leaks, and vehicle collisions. We can’t afford to lose healthy trees to deliberate vandalism.