If you’re a parent, you’ll want to strap on your walking shoes this Friday evening, May 17. One in three adolescents in the U.S. experiences dating violence, but few report it. The consequences linger into adulthood.
To highlight these grim statistics and outline supports available to teens, eight ninth-grade Newton Girl Scouts will lead a walk around Crystal Lake this Friday.
The walk starts at the Hyde Center around 7 pm and should wrap up by 9. Among the VIP guests are Mayor Warren and Newton South Principal Joel Stembridge. You could be one, too!
The “Love is Respect” walk is part of Troop 63053’s work toward the Gold Award (the Girl Scout version of Eagle Scout), a group service project for the Visionary Award—the final step before the gold.
Already, the troop has crafted and sent giant thank-you cards for the senators and representatives in Washington who were instrumental in passing the expanded Violence Against Women Act this year: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Gwen Moore, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Sen. Patty Murray, as well as Vice President Biden and President Obama–these were posted & signed by dozens of students at both high schools.
The walk is open to all. Please come, learn and support!