Question 1 results, city wide (Move map with mouse or enlarge/shrink with tool on left)
Not exactly the New York Times…
by Adam Peller | Mar 13, 2013 | Elections, Override | 21 comments
by Adam Peller | Mar 13, 2013 | Elections, Override | 21 comments
Question 1 results, city wide (Move map with mouse or enlarge/shrink with tool on left)
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This is a great data visualization using public tools. Nice work!
@Adam this is great stuff. Do you plan to do same for Q2 and Q3?
@Chris Steele: Glad you asked. As you might expect, Question 2 and Question 3 results look much the same except for a few extra ‘yes’ votes in the corresponding school districts. Otherwise, I don’t see much change.
Thanks, @Adam
Great overlay. Thanks. Would be interesting to see how the household income numbers compare when broken out the same way.
@Adam – 5-1 doesn’t seem to be in the data?
@Charlie Shapiro: find me the data by precinct and I’ll map it. The map probably already exists somewhere by zip code.
@Chris Steele: Good eyes. (Further proof this is not the NYT) I see the typo now. Will fix. Thanks.
Hope Jerry is not mad at me…
@Adam: Great use of cartography to see SOMETHING geographically, but…
Is there a color key somewhere for Question 1 on this clever map:
1) to explain ward and precinct pass-fail numbers? or,
2)Is this an age-distribution of Newton’s wards and precincts?
3)Is this an income distribution of Newton’s wards and precincts? (See Charlie’s comment above)
4)Are we looking at a living two-party system in Newton with mostly moderates (melded pink and blue) throughout the middle? ;)
@Sallee Lipshutz: Don’t read too much into it. It’s just colored based on the percentage of the ‘yes’ vote. Sorry, I haven’t figured out how to make a key or present labels (but you can click on each precinct for some details) I’m talking to some folks about age-based visualizations. Could have some interesting applications.
What a pity the elections department doesn’t keep old election results around on the website. Anyone know where to find Presidential or Senate data by precinct?
Great work Adam! Nate Silver is looking over his shoulder….
Of course now we will expect you to do this for every election.
By the way, good job. It shows pretty clearly that the turnout was high and in support of the overrides in the areas affected by Angier, Cabot and Zervas, and it shows that outside those areas the voting was predominantly against the overrides. The off-cycle election worked to Setti’s favor. Now let’s watch the budgets and see if he delivers on the general override. Dan Fahey, Mr. “I trust the mayor so much”, watch and report back to us in a year, if you dare.
Nice job Adam,I was going to suggest the League of Women voters site but I see that Barry has posted voting info
accessed through the city web site.Along with Sallee’s request for a key to the map I would like to request a go to place
for entering and accessing info available as public record material on the city web site,that we could all benefit from.
@Barry, from my perspective the override of 5 years ago was all about trust[ or lack thereof] and the same can be said for this time around. So I think many voters were in fact weighing in on a trust factor. [The vote was roughly 55/45 each time.] I don’t apologize for having worked closely enough with Setti to conclude he was doing what he said.
Others may use a different yardstick [you’re entitled], but so aren’t I.
Time will tell. Will you let us know as the next few years go by whether or not the additional $8.4 million + 2 1/2% of it each year goes to the things on the list, like Zervas, the fire stations, etc.? It’s easy for us to lose track and for the money to just become part of the same kind of budget items as before. Not that some money won’t be spent on some of the things promised, but is it all going to be used as we expect? Let us know.
Last map for a while: the 2008 override results
Hopefully everyone is tired of talking about the override by now.
Adam, great work; thank you for your effort. Small point that I do not think needs to be corrected for the 2008 map. It appears you use the current ward/precinct boundaries for the map. The boundaries were changed somewhat recently.
Another excellent point. I should know. I got redistricted.
So did I. That is the only reason why I noticed the very small glitch. The worse the redistricting did was to change the color shade on a few edges; no big deal.
If you are a passionate cartographer looking for more projects, a similar color-coded map showing the percentage of registered voters voting would be of great interest. Thank you.
Patrick, find me the data and I’ll map it!
Adam, perhaps someone on this blog with a similar interest and better connections at city hall could help us find the information. I appreciate your willingness to grind through the numbers.