| Newton MA News and Politics BlogIf anyone came to the recent West Newton Cash Mob approaching from the east on Washington Street, you may have noticed some new plantings, which came about thanks to a CDBG grant, administered by the West Newton Advisory Committee working with the Planning & Development Department. I’m not really familiar with the mechanics of how it worked, being just a spectator to this, but am quite happy it happened.

Greer or Ted (or Sal if he blogged!) could better elaborate, but essentially there was CDBG funding for this target neighborhood, and the WNAC wanted to improve the aesthetics of this rather barren stretch of Washington Street east of West Newton Square, by planting trees on the north side of the street, and something to screen the view of the Pike on the south side. They worked with Marc Welch to identify planting spots and possible species.

The view is particularly stark as you come out of the southbound side streets | Newton MA News and Politics Blog (Cross, Parsons, etc.) Trees were not practical on the south side of Washington due to limited space along the chain link fence, so they went with lots and lots of evergreen shrubs, and I believe vines – not sure they’re in yet – which will hopefully withstand the road salt and get nice and tall.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogThere are now 15 trees planted, I believe equal numbers of American Elm ‘Valley Forge,’ ‘Harvest Gold’ Lindens, and ‘Skyline’ Honeylocust. I’m especially happy to see an American Elm in front of the Armory, where a pair of large lindens were lost in a couple of storms.