An informational meeting and discussion for the proposed Waban Neighborhood Area Council (or “NAC”) has been planned for next 7pm Wednesday, June 20 at the Waban Library. Several discussions here over the past few weeks have wondered over the role of neighborhood councils, as well as on how the voice of the village is heard in City government.
Under the city charter, the neighborhood area council is meant to be this voice for the village. When inclusive and properly defined a NAC can act on behalf of the village on issues and can also act as the organizing force for community action.
Representatives from the Upper Falls and Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Councils will be at the June 20 session, as will Alderman John Rice. Each will talk about their own experiences on the benefits and pitfalls of establishing a NAC and what it can do for the village. This will also be a chance to discuss the specific goals and issues that Wabanites feel strongly about.
I encourage Waban residents to come join and be part of the community conversation on the 20th.
By the way, we’ve made some decent progress on preparing for the Waban Area Council (or “WAC” as we have come to call it) since we last met as a larger group back in June.
There is a public meeting scheduled for this evening, Oct 19 at the Waban Library Center at 6pm to talk about progress, some of the issues facing Waban, and plans for going forward. We have also adjusted the boundaries of the proposed “service area” slightly based on feedback.
Hope to see you there.