Today’s Tab featured a Guest Column by Village 14 regular Bob Burke.  Bob tells the story of he and a friend pedaling off on their bikes to Mount Monadnock and back when they were in the 8th and 9th grade.  He tells about riding through a nor’easter and getting back to Newton at 2 AM.

The most intriguing part of the story is between the lines – how parents, kids and the world have changed since then.  I don’t believe there’s too many parent today who’d be game for their 8th graders to make a trek like that today on their own.

Are there any activities you engaged in as a kid (with your parents knowledge) that you would never allow your kids to do today?   I’ll start the ball rolling with hitchhiking.  In high school, I constantly hitchhiked around the greater Boston area.  In college, I hitchhiked back and forth to the west coast twice.  My parents involvement consisted of telling me “to be careful”.